- Body position starts in a horizontal, stretched and streamlined position
on the front; head in line and the face in the water.
- Head and upper body will rise and fall in relation to undulation from the
kick, pull breathing pattern.
Legs and Feet
- The kick is simultaneous.
- A full action of the hips, legs and feet occur as the seat lifts and
lowers; the knees bend and straighten.
- The feet and toes are pointed throughout. The kick should resemble a whip
like kick.
Arms and Hands
- The hands simultaneously enter as arms approach full extension.
- Following the entry, the hands move slightly outward and down to the catch
position, moving back and through towards the thighs.
- The arm recovery is a smooth, simultaneous double arm recovery over the
water surface.
- Aim for the individual is to gain maximum distance per stroke effectively.
- The mouth is lifted above the water line to the front (in some instances
it may be to the side) before the hands complete their push through to the
- The head returns to ‘face in the water’ before the end of the arm
- The expectation is that the swimmer is encouraged to breathe every
alternate arm cycle (every two strokes).
- A steady constant movement with two kicks t each arm cycle; encouraging
the swimmer to breathe each arm cycle (every two strokes).
- The order is kick, pull, kick, recover.